Our Shows

Our Shows


Excess Returns

Excess Returns is an investing podcast hosted by Jack Forehand (@practicalquant) and Justin Carbonneau (@jjcarbonneau), partners at Validea. Justin and Jack discuss a wide range of investing topics, including factor investing, value investing, momentum investing, macroeconomics and behavioral finance, and talk to interesting guests with the goal of helping those who watch and listen become better long-term investors.

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Show Us Your Portfolio

Show Us Your Portfolio looks at how some of the best investors out there manage their own money. In each episode, we look at how a great investor views their portfolio in the context of their life goals and the process they use to construct an actual portfolio to meet their objectives. Show Us Your Portfolio is hosted by Jack Forehand (@practicalquant) and Justin Carbonneau (@jjcarbonneau)

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Two Quants and a Financial Planner

Two Quants and a Financial Planner bridges the worlds of investing and financial planning to help investors achieve their long-term goals. Join Matt Zeigler, Jack Forehand and Justin Carbonneau as they cover a wide range of investing and financial planning topics that impact all of us and discuss how we can apply them in the real world to achieve the best outcomes in our financial lives.

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The OPEX Effect

The OPEX Effect is a joint podcast from Excess Returns and SpotGamma where we take a deep dive into the world of options and the flows they generate in markets. Join Brent Kochuba and Jack Forehand every month on Options Expiration week as they look at the major developments in the options world and how they impact all of our portfolios. 

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